Please comment what you think of the captions. Feedback is more important than you think and the lack of it is what made me stop the last time

Friday, 16 August 2019

Way too long hair

I tried to experience with this one a bit. Do you like this style of captions, with a bit of dialogue in it.
Or do you prefer the more minimalistic looking captions I normally do, with the more plain style?

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Out of Control

This one really came out naturally. I guess it is now a Maid transformation, although I originally didn't intend to.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Sorry about Requests

The contact form sent messages to a different email than I was expecting. It should now work properly again. I will try to do a few of the already sent requests in the future.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Short or long captions?

First of: Hello again. I will now try to post a caption every day again: But here's my question: Do you prefer shorter captions (like the last few) or rather longer captions (like older captions of mine). I'm not really sure, maybe the best would be alternating between them? What do you think? (Please answer in comments)

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